Following their work on adapting manga and comics adapted from other Nintendo franchises (Eg. Pokemon, Super Mario Bros), VIZ Media have recently confirmed their acquisition of the publishing rights for a relatively new manga series based on the Splatoon...
With millions of copies sold worldwide and a solid fanbase more than a year after launching, the colourful third-person shooter Splatoon has proven to be one of the highlights on Nintendo's Wii U platform.
One of the community features present in...
Nintendo's updates for Splatoon have yet to cease, with the company confirming that a new update for the third-person shooting game will be made available starting 9th March 2016.
This update will provide balances to some gear abilities, which will...
With the Christmas season approaching and with quite a few major family friendly games in their line-up of recent and incoming releases, it should come as no surprise that Nintendo Australia will be offering three new limited edition console...
Although not all times may be convenient for those in a younger demographic who have school or others with early nights ahead of them this coming week, Nintendo have announced that they will be holding daily Splatoon "Testfire" events...
Following the game's release on the Wii U platform starting 30 May 2015, Nintendo have announced that physical and digital sales of Splatoon have crossed the 1 million mark.
This data, sourced from Nintendo's internal figures, includes 476,000 units sold in the...
Want to get a few games in of Splatoon prior to its official May 30th release date? Nintendo have confirmed they are launching a special 'Global Testfire Demo' of the game which is set to go live starting tomorrow.
With their action shooter set to hit store shelves in a little more than a month (May 30th 2015), Nintendo have confirmed they will be offering those without a Wii U console the chance to buy a special console...
With several new first-party titles set to hit store shelves over the coming months, Nintendo have unveiled new amiibo figures being produced to complement them. First up are three coloured Yarn Yoshi amiibo's which are made out of a knitted...
With the EB Games Expo set to take place between Friday and Sunday next week, a final set of announcements have been made concerning games that with be playable or otherwise displayed by major publishers during the event. The...
One of Nintendo's more interesting announcements during their E3 2014 digital press conference was Splatoon, their 4 vs 4 online third-person action shooter. In this game, players take control of humanoid squids who can squirt and quickly navigate through ink, in...