The comedy series Gag Manga Biyori is set to return to screens across Japan (and presumably official streaming platforms internationally) in April 2025 with its fifth season in development, Gag Manga Biyori GO. This new installment celebrates the 25th...
As regular readers of The Otaku's Study would know, I am quite a fan of mobile rhythm games—to this day, I partake somewhat actively with rhythm games such as The Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls. The issue with being mobile is...
The occult action anime Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube, which first received an anime adaptation in 1996, is set to return during Japan's summer 2025 anime season with an all-new adaptation produced by Studio KAI. Based on the manga...
Released in 2011 as part of the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise's 20th Anniversary celebrations, Sonic Generations brought together characters, bosses, music, and maps from the series' history across 2D and 3D experiences. Each was substantially reworked for (at the...
Indie publisher Wired Productions and developer Nosebleed Interactive have launched Arcade Paradise VR on the PICO platform. This retro-inspired arcade management simulator brings its take on 90s nostalgia and modern VR gameplay to PICO devices, with a 25% launch...
The second season of the anime Kinnikuman Perfect Origin Arc will soon be available worldwide on Netflix. This marks the continuation of the series, which returned in July 2024 after a 32-year hiatus.
Season 2 takes the action to...
Rico Sasaki, a singer and voice actress, is set to release her latest single Palette Days on 26 February 2025. The track will serve as the opening theme for the upcoming TV anime Welcome to Japan, Ms. Elf!, which...
Bandai Namco Music Live Inc. has announced the upcoming release of Yummy Yummy, a collaborative single by Nijisanji VTubers Kaede Higuchi and Kanae. The song will serve as the ending theme for the TV anime Welcome to Japan, Ms....