Whether due to low levels of stock available in the country at launch or just a greater than expected demand, pre-orders of the PlayStation 5 seem to be trekking nicely for Sony Interactive Entertainment. Following Sony’s PlayStation 5 Showcase earlier this morning, in which the console’s 12 November 2020 release date was announced and both standard and digital-only price points confirmed, EB Games Australia started taking orders for the launch batch of consoles. In about an hour this limit was reached, and they begun taking orders for their first post-launch batch in 2020.
Now it appears that all their 2020 stock has been reserved, leading them to begin taking orders for their first wave of post-Christmas, 2021 stock – with no guaranteed release date. If this is a sign of things to come, those who don’t pre-order may have difficulty finding consoles for many, many, many months post-November.
UPDATE: PlayStation 5 POST LAUNCH consoles presold out.
— EB Games Australia (@EBGamesAus) September 17, 2020
Preorder for 2021 consoles at 12.30pm AEST!
Preorder 2021 PlayStation 5 here: https://t.co/u3OPc88lE6
Preorder 2021 PlayStation 5 Digital Edition here: https://t.co/d9gGardmjY pic.twitter.com/GpKML3DspX
Pre-ordering via EB Games requires a deposit of $200 AUD, with the remainder to be paid when stock becomes available. You can place your orders online via the EB Games Australia website.
Missed the announcement about pricing? The standard edition PlayStation 5 will set you back $749.95 AUD, while the cheaper, digital-only version is $150.00 cheaper at $599.95 AUD.
PS5 Global launch schedule: pic.twitter.com/2JIv8uRiLy
— PlayStationAU (@PlayStationAU) September 16, 2020