Following their work on adapting manga and comics adapted from other Nintendo franchises (Eg. Pokemon, Super Mario Bros), VIZ Media have recently confirmed their acquisition of the publishing rights for a relatively new manga series based on the Splatoon...
Returning to the adventures shared by Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie once more, VIZ Media have confirmed that their North American home video release and official manga adaptation of Pokemon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel is mere...
From 1992 to 1993, the tales of Mario, Luigi and Yoshi were presented in graphic novel form through Nintendo Power. These full-colour tales have been out-of-print for more than 20 years now. However, VIZ Media will be giving these chapters...
To be published under the company’s Shonen Jump imprint, VIZ Media have confirmed they will begin publishing a new manga series by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata – a creative duo whose previous work includes Death Note and Bakuman....
In an announcement made by VIZ Media and Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF), it has been announced that the manga publisher has joined the CBLDF as a corporate member. In making this announcement, the companies have announced they...
VIZ Media have been making good strides on their physical release of the 90s TV anime of Sailor Moon, which would be no small undertaking how many episodes there are to re-dub into English and get out to fans....
Do you regularly take advantage of VIZ Media's digital anime offerings? The North American anime publisher have recently detailed their digital anime content plans for this month, with their main highlights being from three of their key anime licenses: Bleach,...
From four-episode volumes to complete season collections, the Death Note TV anime has been available on store shelves for many years now. But while the media format has been available for quite some time now, no publisher has decided to make the entire 37-episode anime series available on Blu-ray.. until now.
North American manga publisher VIZ Media have announced they will be kicking-off 2016 with two new releases related to the popular Naruto media franchise. This includes a special epilogue to the manga, and a box set which includes a...
Back in the days before Pokemon ruled the school yard, I remember turning into Agro's Cartoon Connection every morning before school to watch an episode of Sailor Moon. Although several months behind the North American release and many years...
VIZ Media have today confirmed their plans to kick-off 2016 with the launch of shojo manga series Honey So Sweet on January 5th. This manga series has been created by Amu Meguro, and is what VIZ Media has described...
While a new English dub has been rolling out for the original Sailor Moon TV anime that many grew up watching, the new TV adaptation 'Sailor Moon Crystal' has yet to have its English dub made public. VIZ Media...