CCP Games to Offer New PlayStation VR Title This Month

Not a stranger to the PlayStation platform with their earlier releases of DUST 514 (now discontinued) on the PlayStation 3 and EVE: Valkyrie on the PlayStation VR – CCP Games have confirmed they will be offering a new “fast-paced vSport” game on the PlayStation VR starting August 29 2017. Available exclusively via the PlayStation Store, you will be able to pick yourself up a copy of Sparc for $29.99 USD.

Sparc is a virtual sport game, where the player’s virtual reality equipment is their sports gear. In Sparc, players connect online to compete in fast-paced and physical one-on-one gameplay. Players use their two PlayStation Move motion controllers to throw projectiles across the court at their opponent, while dodging, blocking or deflecting any incoming shots. The game seeks to provide “skill-based and instinctual two-player gameplay”, combined with “slick visuals”, with the goal of providing “the PS VR community with a cutting-edge sporting challenge that looks and feels spectacular on PS4 and PS4 Pro”.

Sparc features rookie-level and pro-level game modes, in addition to a freeform social area known as “Courtside” which enables players to spectate other players in their own matches. Feel like playing by yourself? In Sparc’s solo challenges, players can take part in a series of timed events that test throwing and deflection accuracy, helping improve their skills and preparing them for human opponents.

Given the social element of Sparc, players will be able to customise their own avatar – including the cut of their compression suit, the headgear they wear, the design of their “Gloves”, and the colours of their gear.