Based on the Nickelodeon animated children’s show, PAW Patrol Live! Race to the Rescue is set to tour Australia from July to September 2024, with plans to perform across five weekends, in five venues, across five states. Tickets for the show, which is being brought to life by Nickelodeon, VStar Entertainment Group and TEG Life Like Touring has commenced ticket sales today, with booking information for each state available via the show’s official website.
States, Dates and Venues
- Hobart: Saturday 27 July at MyStateBank Arena
- Brisbane: Saturday 3 August at Brisbane Entertainment Centre
- Sydney: Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 August at ICC Sydney Theatre
- Adelaide: Saturday 24 August at Adelaide Entertainment Centre
- Melbourne: Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September at Margaret Court Arena
While some states only have one date, typically there are multiple shows performed each day.
It’s the day of the Great Adventure Bay Race between Adventure Bay’s Mayor Goodway and Foggy Bottom’s Mayor Humdinger, but Mayor Goodway is nowhere to be found. PAW Patrol to the rescue! Ryder summons Marshall, Chase, Skye, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma and Everest to rescue Mayor Goodway and to run the race in her place. Using their unique skills and teamwork, the pups show that “no job is too big, no pup is too small”.
The performances are aimed to be interactive, encouraging audiences to engage with the performers on-stage through both audience interaction and call and responses.
For those unawares, PAW Patrol is a preschool-age animated children’s series created by Keith Chapman (For those in their 20s and 30s, the creator of Bob the Builder) and produced by Spin Master Entertainment, featuring a group of heroic puppies doing good deeds, led by a young boy named Ryder.