During a special event held during Anime Japan 2024, the creative team behind upcoming TV anime Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian shared their second key visual for the show. This is the first visual featuring all five main characters — Masachika, Alya, Yuki, Masha, and Ayano.
Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian, also known by its Japanese title 時々ボソッとロシア語でデレる隣のアーリャさん, or simply as Roshidere (ロシデレ), is based on the original light novel works by SunSunSun, and is scheduled to commence airing in Japan as part of its Summer 2024 anime season.
Alya-san, who sits next to Masachika Kuze, always gives him the cold shoulder.
However, she sometimes blurts out a few flirtatious words to him in Russian.
Masachika never misses a word of it. That’s because Masachika has native-level Russian listening skills!
Alya-san, who thinks he doesn’t understand and sometimes blurts out words of affection. Masachika, who understands the meaning but pretends not to. Where will their love story which keeps you grinning take them!?
Behind the scenes, the creative team is led by Director Ryota Ito, who is also responsible for series composition. Character design and chief animation direction fall under the expertise of Yuhei Murota. The visual atmosphere is shaped by Art Director Risa Wakabayashi, Color Setter Yuka Ito, and Director of Photography Seiichi Sugiura, with Yoshiko Kimura of MADBOX overseeing editing. The auditory experience is enriched by Sound Director Takeshi Takadera and composer Hiroaki Tsutsumi, with Ryo Kobayashi serving as the production producer. Animation production is carried out by Doga Kobo.
The Japanese voice actors include:
Masachika Kuze:Kohei Amasaki
Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou:Sumire Uesaka
Yuki Suou: Wakana Maruoka
Mariya Mikhailovna Kujou: Yukiyo Fujii
Ayano Kimishima: Saya Aizawa
Chisaki Sarashina: Maki Kawase
Touya Kenzaki: Kaito Ishikawa
Sayaka Taniyama: Ikumi Hasegawa
Nonoa Miyamae: Yoshino Aoyama
Takeshi Maruyama: Kodai Sakai
Hikaru Kiyomiya: Taichi Ichikawa