HomeVideo GamesBastion Confirmed for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita Release

Bastion Confirmed for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita Release


[utube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50hafBiZxWs”]

Having been released on the PC, Mac, Linux, Xbox 360 and iOS platforms since it was first launched back in 2011, many gamers have had the chance to sink their teeth into the distinct action-RPG experience provided by Bastion. After managing to avoid PlayStation consoles for all these years, developer Supergiant Games have confirmed that Bastion will be released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita sometime in 2015.

While there is still much more to be confirmed in the coming weeks and months, we do know that Bastion will support Cross-Buy between the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, so you can take your experience on the road with you or the comfort of your home at no additional charge. They are investigating the possibility of Cross-Save support between the two consoles as well, however have yet to finalize this feature yet. We also know that Supergiant Games are collaborating with BlitWorks (PS4 / Vita editions of Spelunky and FEZ) in bringing this port to gamers.

For more information from the keyboard of Creative Director Greg Kasavin, check out the official PlayStation Blog.

Founder of The Otaku's Study. I have been exploring this labyrinth of fandom these last fifteen years, and still nowhere close to the exit yet. Probably searching for a long time to come.

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