Following their DLC costume screenshot batch from yesterday evening, Namco Bandai have released additional imagery highlighting the two other DLC costume sets available for Tales of Xillia at this point in time. Yesterday they focused on Maid / Butler attire which is what I have purchased for a couple of my own characters (Alvin and Elize to be specific), while today they have focused on the swimwear and alternate colour DLC costumes.
The swimwear costumes will set you back $4.35 AUD each and generally come with a costume, a hairstyle and occasionally an accessory. They might look out of place in some areas of the game, but if you are feeling a bit sadistic and want to let Jude and Alvin wander around snowfields topless then this may cater to you.
The colour variation set on the other hand is completely free and are simply recolours of each of the characters default costumes. Having used these in the Japanese edition of the game – in my experience the quality varies between characters. But hey, it is free and you have an option.
For images of the Maid/Butler costumes click HERE. For more information on all the DLC costumes in general head HERE.