Following the conclusion of the Girls Band Cry anime, Toei Animation’s featured band, Togenashi Togeari, is set to hold their second solo live performance titled “RINNE NO KOTOWARI” on September 13, 2024. The event will be exclusively streamed worldwide on the Beyond LIVE platform.
Togenashi Togeari is a five-member rock band recognized for their emotional and unconventional performances. The group includes Rina (Vocals), Yuri (Guitar), Mirei (Drums), Natsu (Keyboard), and Shuri (Bass). Each member was selected through the Girl’s Rock Audition, a competitive process that spanned a year and a half, beginning in June 2021. Over a thousand applicants vied for the chance to be part of the band featured in the Girls Band Cry anime. The winning applicants were:
Vocals: Nina Iseri (as Rina)
Guitar: Momoka Kawaragi (as Yuri)
Drums: Subaru Awa (as Mirei)
Keyboard: Tomo Ebizuka (as Natsu)
Bass: Rupa (as Shuri)
This performance marks Togenashi Togeari’s first live event since the anime series aired from April 5 to June 28, covering a total of 13 episodes. The band’s previous solo live, “HAKUMEI NO JOSOU,” took place in March and saw high demand, leading to a sold-out venue. In response, the decision was made to stream their upcoming concert live, allowing fans from around the world to participate.
The “RINNE NO KOTOWARI” performance by Togenashi Togeari will be streamed live on 13 September 2024, with the stream starting at 5:30 PM (JST) and the performance beginning at 6:00 PM (JST). Tickets are priced at ¥4,400, including tax, and can be purchased by international audiences via Beyond LIVE. Ticket sales will conclude at 6:00 PM (JST) on the day of the performance. Please note that the recording of the performance will not be available for viewing after the live stream.