Building upon their small but ever-growing collection of anime acquisitions, Nippon Ichi Software America have confirmed they now hold the rights to The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura, also known in Japan as simply Kotoura-san (琴浦さん). Complementing this announcement, it has also been confirmed that a Premium Edition set will be available in North America from August 4th 2015.
The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura is a drama centered around a young girl, Haruka Kotoura, who has the ability to read minds. From a young age, Haruka was isolated and abandoned by her parents because of her ability. However, all of this changes once she transfers to a new school and meets Yoshihisa Manabe, a guy whose thoughts match his words and actions. Upon realizing her ability, he often teases Haruka by thinking up ridiculous fantasies of her, but he encourages her to open up to others.
Priced at $64.99 USD, the Premium Edition set will include all 12-episodes across two Blu-ray discs, in addition to a 64-page full-colour artbook, an artbox and a handful of on-disc extras (Clean OP/ED Sequences, Japanese Trailers, Haruka Exploring Kotoura Town and Haruka’s Room Interviews).
Official Synopsis for The Troubled Life of Miss Kotoura
15-year-old Haruka Kotoura has the ability to read minds. This gift has caused her to distance herself from others until the day she meets Yoshihisa Manabe, who sits next to her in class. Despite his perverted fantasizing, he encourages her to open up her heart. With the help of the ESP Research Society, Haruka and Yoshihisa discover that life can be full of heartfelt laughter, even when things seem hopeless.