As of noon (JST) today, the Japanese servers of SINoALICE shut down, bringing the game to its end worldwide – following the global servers closure in the latter months of 2023. This end of service has been followed by a final update, bringing the game to Version 99.9 and its final iteration – シノアリスだったナニカ.
For those who finished the game, this will now serve as a creative hub of the characters weapons and memories you collected on your journey throughout “The Worst of All Stories”. For those who didn’t finish SINoALICE, unfortunately your data is now lost, however it has been confirmed that part of the archival app will still be accessible once the maintenance period is over.
To properly wrap things up, a Final Management Live Broadcast will be hosted in 24 January 2024 with the development team, looking over the past six and a half years of working on the game, with a gift campaign being run for Japanese players being run on the day. You can view the video at 21:00 (JST) on 24 January 2024 via HERE or the video embeded below:
Finally, a few folk involved in the game, from Eri Kitamura (Voice actor for Cinderella) to Shogo Maeda (Producer at Pokelabo), to Himiko (Illustrator for the SINoALICE manga), have shared messages following the game’s closure, with more likely to follow. You can read the messages below: