After launching worldwide in late-July, The Pokemon Company International has announced that their latest app in the Pokemon franchise, Pokemon Sleep, has received more than 10 million downloads across iOS and Android platforms. This sleep tracker app, which I am not sure I understand the purpose of myself, will be receiving a range of promotions in the coming days to mark this milestone. More information on each can be found below:
Commemorative Gift Distribution
From now until 22 September 2023, players will be able to collect a special in-game gift including a Good Camp Ticket, a special item that lets you borrow a Good Camp Set for seven days to aid your research and help you raise Snorlax, a core component of the gameplay. The Ten Million Download Commemorative Gift is available to all users, and contains the following:
- Sleep Points ×1,000
- Good Camp Ticket ×1
- Poké Biscuits ×5
- Ingredient Ticket S ×3
Upcoming Good Sleep Day
A Good Sleep Day event will be held in-game from 30 August until 1 September. During this time, Drowsy Power will be multiplied by 1.5 during the event, except on the day of the full moon (Thursday, August 31), when Drowsy Power will be multiplied by two. Users may be able to draw in more Pokémon or see rarer sleep styles the greater this Drowsy Power grows. A Good Sleep Day event will be held once a month for a total of three days: on the day of the full moon and the days before and after it.