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Ship Sale (Star Citizen)

The M50 Interceptor Available for Limited Time on Star Citizen Pledge Store

While there are a number of ships and game packages which players can pledge towards for Star Citizen, there are also many ships which are only available through special sales. One particular class of ship in which all but...

Select Limited Edition Ships Now on Sale in Star Citizen

Today has really been about ships for Star Citizen and the team at Cloud Imperium Games. Not only have the company launched concept sales for their latest Vanduul ship (Esperia Vanduul Blade), but have also taken backers on their...

Build Your Own Endeavor in Latest Star Citizen Concept Sale

Cloud Imperium Games have announced a new concept sale for their upcoming space-faring game Star Citizen. The MISC Endeavor has always been a ship that piqued my interest, partially due to its greater emphasis on exploration and rescue. Those...