Continuing to acquire new series to debut as part of their exclusive streaming line-up during Japan’s Summer 2024 anime season, HIDIVE has confirmed they will stream the comedy series Plus-Sized Elf. Premiering in July, this series is an adaptation of the seinen manga originally created by Synecdoche.
Plus-Sized Elf is adapted from the original eight-volume-long (Plus-Sized Elf) and currently three-volume-long (Plus-Sized Elf: Second Helping!) manga titles created by Synecdoche which launched in December 2016 and October 2021 respectively. If you want to read ahead, you can do so — with Seven Seas Entertainment having published both. This anime adaptation is being directed by Toshikatsu Tokoro, with writing by Yuki Takabayashi and production by the team at animation studio Elias.
Naoe-kun, a massage therapist, is about to head home for the day when he’s saddled with a rather strange patient. This lovely lady has emerald eyes, pointy ears, and grew up in the forest—everything about her screams “elf,” except for one thing: her bodacious body. It turns out she left her world but loves junk food in this one, and now her obsession has caught up with her. Can Naoe-kun help this loveable elf girl lose the weight—and keep it off?