HomeAnimeHanabee's Anime Offerings in June Dwindle due to Production Issues, Leads to...

Hanabee’s Anime Offerings in June Dwindle due to Production Issues, Leads to Whopping Release Slate in July



Australian anime publisher Hanabee Entertainment have confirmed that, due to unforeseen production delays, their upcoming releases of Soni-Ani: Super Sonico the Animation and Utena Complete Collection will no longer be available by their original June 2015 release date. This means that next month will be a fairly slow one for the company, with only Familiar of Zero Season 3 available for purchase that month.

However, this does mean that fans have plenty to look forward to starting July 3rd, which falls within most school and university holidays in Australia. Not only will the complete series of Utena and Super Sonico be available for purchase, but also Captain Earth (P1), Hakkenden (S2) and Muv Luv Alternative: Total Eclipse (P1).

Pricing will remain the same, with Revolutionary Girl Utena (Containing Episodes 1-39) going for $119.99 and Super Sonic for $59.99.

Founder of The Otaku's Study. I have been exploring this labyrinth of fandom these last fifteen years, and still nowhere close to the exit yet. Probably searching for a long time to come.

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