Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have recently shared a new set of screenshots for upcoming Dynasty Warriors x Legend of Zelda cross-over game Hyrule Warriors for the Wii U. While these screenshots do cover plenty of gameplay, they also provide a look at a number of new and returning characters – some of whom will be playable.
The first playable character featured is Agitha from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess who previously had a minor role as an avid bug collector with no major plot significance. After entering the universe of Hyrule Warriors, she enters the fray and attacks using not only her parasol but through using beetles. Also introduced is the new playable character Lana, a “White Witch” who has some mystery relationship with new antagonist Cia.
Also re-introduced are Zant and Argorok from Twilight Princess, who will appear in this game as fightable enemies.
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