HomeVideo GamesVote Your Choices for The Sackies 2011 - Rewarding The Best of...

Vote Your Choices for The Sackies 2011 – Rewarding The Best of LittleBigPlanet


Vote Your Choices for The Sackies 2011 - Rewarding The Best of LittleBigPlanet 1

Considering how many millions of levels Media Molecule and Sony have claimed to have been uploaded on their LittleBigPlanet servers, there was little doubt that they would have to hold an awards ceremony for the best of the best… thus “The Sackies” was born, celebrating the highest level of achievement amongst Players, Creators and Sharers on LittleBigPlanet. There are a number of different categories for you to vote in from “Best Cinematic” to “Best Visuals”, and each offer you a nice selection to vote from. You can either access all the videos and respective links on the MediaMolecule Youtube Channel HERE or even better, from the LittleBigPlanet official website HERE.

All you have to do is select your favorite from a category and click on the link provided. From there you can log in with your PlayStation Network account and click on the VOTE link for the specific category the player or level has been nominated for.

Founder of The Otaku's Study. I have been exploring this labyrinth of fandom these last fifteen years, and still nowhere close to the exit yet. Probably searching for a long time to come.

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