In 2016, Liza McLean’s Tinderbox Productions and Lisa Campbell’s Luckiest Productions teamed up to hold an Australian tour of the iconic 1980s Black Comedy musical Little Shop of Horrors. Originally performed in Sydney at Hayes Theatre Co, it subsequently performed to audiences in Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Perth. You can read my review of the production HERE.
The cast included Brent Hill (Who most recently toured with the School of Rock cast as Dewey Finn) in the impressive dual role of Seymour and Audrey II, Esther Hannaford (who amazed as the role of Carole King in Beautiful the Musical) as Audrey and Tyler Coppin as Mr Mushnik. Behind the Scenes, Dean Bryant served as the show’s director, Andrew Hallsworth as choreographer and Andrew Worboys as musical director.
Below are some images and video footage I captured from the show’s Media Call just prior to its opening night at the QPAC Playhouse, Brisbane. While this season has already concluded, keep an eye out for future performances of Little Shop of Horrors around the country, or check out the film.