As we head into the final stretch of 2015, Australian anime publisher Hanabee Entertainment have announced the series they will have on offer both online and via retail outlets in December 2015. Providing a comparable number of titles to...
With only a couple of months until their license rescue release of The Familiar of Zero Season 1, North American anime publisher Sentai Filmworks have shared the finalized cover artwork and DVD / Blu-ray disc designs for the series.
The Familiar...
In only the first few days of 2014, North American anime publisher Sentai Filmworks have gone ahead and confirmed their April 2014 line-up of titles, including the much anticipated second volume release of Little Busters!, a particular license-rescue on...
It is unfortunately that anime series do inevitably become out of print, and unless they sell well new generations of anime fans will never be able to pick them up. But at times a publisher will come along and...
It turns out that while CrunchyRoll will be simulcasting the series this month, Sentai Filmworks are the folks that have the license to distribute Zero no Tsukaima F, or for the official English title - "Familiar of Zero F"....
After many years of anime releases, Zero no Tsukaima (Aka. Familiar of Zero) will be ending the anime series with its fourth season. Crunchyroll recently unveiled that they would also be letting fans of the series join in viewing...