Posts On:

The Executioner and Her Way of Life

Sentai Announce Their Anime Blu-ray Releases for July 2023

Casting their gaze towards the second half of this year, North American anime publisher Sentai alongside their new distributor Distribution Solutions have confirmed their line-up of home video anime releases for July 2023. Scroll down to see if your...

Yen Press Announce New Manga / Light Novels for September 2022 Release

Fans of manga and light novels can look forward to a range of new works commencing publication by Yen Press in September 2022, with the licensor and publishing confirming their acquisition of the following works. This includes two new...

Sentai Acquire Rights to TV Anime, The Executioner and Her Way of Life

Snapping up some new anime series ahead of the next season, Sentai has confirmed they hold the rights to The Executioner and Her Way of Life (処刑少女の生きる道), the upcoming anime adaptation of Mato Sato and Nilitsu's ongoing light novel...