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Shonen Maid

Shonen Maid (少年メイド)

There are so many anime series out there that focus on cute girls doing cute stuff. For those interested in high school hijinks, you can look forward to shows like Yuru-Yuri, Azumanga Daioh!, Nichijou or Toradora! to name just...

Three Anime Which Give Off That Warm, Fuzzy Feeling!

With additional COVID-19 lockdowns where I live, the chilly weather coming in, and being fuelled by some downright depressing documentaries such as The New York Times' fantastic 'Visual Investigations' featurette on the U.S. Capitol Hill Insurrection - I will...

Madman Entertainment Open Pre-Orders for September 2017 Anime Releases

Starting to look ahead at what anime you wish to purchase in the coming months? Australian anime publisher Madman Entertainment have recently confirmed and opened pre-orders for the various titles they plan to have on offer starting 6 September 2017...