When you usually think of an anime or television show surrounding zombies, you would usually expect it to be some form of survival flick, where a group of characters find themselves outnumbered and work to prevent one another from...
While Madman Entertainment's first volume release of Sailor Moon has had to be postponed and is therefore no longer a part of their April 2015 release slate, the Australian anime publisher has still offered fans a sizable compilation of releases...
As we have now jumped over into February 2015, this means that the Madman Entertainment website has been updated with a list of their upcoming anime and manga releases for April 2015. Although Madman have confirmed several releases for...
During their recent panel at the New York Comic Con, Kodansha Comics have announced few new manga licenses to be released in the North American market come 2013 - as well as a re-release of a series in omnibus...