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Playstation Outage

The Otaku’s Gaming Study ~E3 Expo Special~ – Sony Press Conference

Even Kevin Butler approves! Whilst the E3 expo has finished only its second day, they have now finished showing all the keynote presentations, therefore leaving the rest of the event to be based around the show floor and all events...

The Otaku’s Gaming Study #4 – T’was the Week before E3…..

T'was the week before E3 and..... and.... and.... Actually I have no idea what to write after this.... It has been a little while since my last write-up, and during this period of time, a few new announcements have been made, however the...

The Otaku’s Gaming Study #N1B – Disgaea 4 + Some Good News!

In a state of wanting to get to bed before 3AM last night, I seemed to skip over a few little things from the announcements so I have decided to include them in a separate post alongside the recent...