Visual novels are still a budding market, where even major Japanese titles can struggle to find publishers willing to invest in localization and distribution. Yet, this landscape has still allowed for unique niches and dedicated audiences to emerge. With...
Originating as a light novel series featuring a story by Koushi Tachibana and illustrations by Tsunako, which ran from 2011 until 2020, Date a Live has become a commendable Japanese multimedia franchise spanning five seasons of an anime adaptation,...
Starting as a singular RPG parodying the console wars of the time between the Sony PlayStation, Microsoft Xbox, the Nintendo (Wii) and a fictional realm inspired by the cancelled SEGA Neptune -- the Neptunia series has spread its wings...
Idea Factory International has announced that their next upcoming otome visual novel project, 9 R.I.P. developed by Idea Factory and Design Factory, will be released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch starting 15 October 2024 both physically and digitally. Depending...
Idea Factory International, the western publisher of upcoming visual novel Cupid Parasite: Sweet and Spicy Darling, has today shared their opening cinematic of the title
Following their uncensored Nintendo Switch release of Mugen Souls back in April, publisher EastAsiaSoft has confirmed that the anime-style RPG's sequel Mugen Souls Z is also headed to the Nintendo Switch starting 14 September 2023. While the standard channel...
Releasing a new otome visual novel exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, Aksys Games released Winter’s Wish: Spirits of Edo through physical and digital distribution channels. Originally developed by Otomate and published by Idea Factory, Winter Wish: Spirits of Edo...
A new instalment in the Fairy Fencer F franchise is due to launch later this year, a tactical RPG titled Fairy Fencer F: Refrain Chord. This Compile Heart TRPG is being published internationally by Idea Factory International on the...
For their final video game / visual novel announcement of Anime Expo 2022, Aksys Games confirmed their intent to publish Idea Factory's Radiant Tale on the Nintendo Switch next year.
The once PlayStation Vita exclusive visual novel Norn9 is set to receive new life on the Nintendo Switch from next year, with Aksys Games confirming that they will be bringing Norn9: Var Commons & Last Era to the platform at an unspecified date next year.
The third and final announcement made by Idea Factory International during the recent NGPX Expo was not around a new title, but further information on an already announced one. Co-developed by Idea Factory and RED, Birushana: Rising Flower of...
Developed by Preapp Partners and published by acttil, a brand new strategy RPG has today made its way onto the Windows PC via Steam.
Titled Shachibato! President, It’s Time For Battle! Maju Wars (or by its simpler named Shachibato!),...