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Drake Interplanetary

Newly Announced Drake Cutlass Steel Variant Flyable in Star Citizen

For the longest time in the ambitious crowdfunded sci-fi game Star Citizen, players have been able to access the trio of Cutless crafts from the in-universe ship manufacturer, Drake Interplanetary. With the Black serving as an all-purpose craft, the...

Star Citizen Offers Drake Ships For Sale, Marking ‘Speak Like a Pirate Day’

Assuming that centuries from now we are still celebrating 'Talk Like a Pirate Day', what better way to complement your short-lived change in vocal mannerisms than getting a fancy pirate-themed ship? While sadly, none of us will be around...

Drake Interplanetary’s DefenseCon Commences in Star Citizen

Been feeling that the United Empire of Earth Navy's (UEEN) Invictus Fleet Week was a bit well-to-do? Craving a look at ships from a controversial brand offering crafts which could cover defensive and criminal exploits? Just love the colour...