After teasing their upcoming voice cast over a set of trailers these past couple of weeks, North American anime publisher Sentai Filmworks have confirmed who voices whom in their English dub of Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions (Aka. Chuunibyou...
Despite still only being in the first month of 2014, Sentai Filmworks have almost made it to the mid-year mark with their anime release plans, today confirming their May 2014 line-up which consists of both new releases and a...
Madman Entertainment, an Australian publisher of anime series recently announced that they had picked up the online streaming rights to Chunibyo Demo Koi Ga Shitai! and would be streaming it through the 'Madman Streaming Room' via their official website.
Anime Network have today announced that their upcoming online release of Chunibyo Demo Koi Ga Shitai (According to the above image, their English title for it is 'Regardless of My Adolescent Delusions of Grandeur, I want a Date!') will...
While it wasn't actually the title I had expected Madman Entertainment to announce as an acquisition, the company today announced that they have acquired the Australian/New Zealand region license to the anime series Chunibyo Demo Koi Ga Shitai. The...
'Anime Network', an online digital distributor of streamed and simulcast anime titles have today announced the titles they will have available on their site in the next couple of months. Unfortunately I myself am unable to use their service...