Originally bundled together with special editions of the manga in Japan, US-based anime publisher Sentai has confirmed they hold the rights to the Ane Log OVA Collection. The collection of three episodes are based on the original comedy manga written and...
Are you a member of the anime video-on-demand service CrunchyRoll and been waiting to see what will be simulcast/streamed when the bulk of the Winter 2020 season begins airing in Japan next month? While there appear to be some...
ABOVE: Preview trailer for first season of RIN-NE.
Looking ahead to the Spring 2017 season of anime from Japan, North American anime publisher Sentai Filmworks have confirmed they hold the rights to RIN-NE 3, continuing their work with the anime series....
Adding something new to their line-up for the upcoming anime season, North American anime publisher Sentai Filmworks have confirmed they now hold the rights to the second season of the supernatural comedy series, Rin-ne (Aka. RIN-NE 2). New episodes of this...
In addition to announcing their release of Nagi-Asu: A Lull in the Sea, Nippon Ichi Software America have also released their Premium Edition of My Little Monster (Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun | となりの怪物くん). Similar to a great majority of their...
Continuing their announcements of anime franchises to be simulcast this month, North American publisher Sentai Filmworks have confirmed their acquisition of the rights to Kamigami no Asobi.
This supernatural romance / harem series features animation by the studio Brain's Base which have...
Building upon their April 2014 anime season acquisition announcements, Sentai Filmworks have today handled that they will be streaming and eventually publishing Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou (僕らはみんな河合荘) under the longer localized title of The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and...
North American anime publisher Funimation Entertainment have today confirmed the addition of D-Frag! (D-Fragments) to their Winter 2014 anime simulcast line-up. D-Frag! is a new title from the team at Brain's Base (Who also brought us DuRaRaRa!!) and is based on...
Title: Princess Jellyfish
Format: DVD
Published by: Siren Visual (Australia) | Funimation (North America)
Audio: Hybrid Dub
Subtitles: English
Special Thanks: Siren Visual for kindly providing me with a review sample of this release
Amamizu-kan is an all female boarding house occupied by "The Sisterhood", a group of geeky otaku women who...
Title: Kurenai
Encompasses: Complete 12 episode season
Published by: Sentai Filmworks (North America)
Based on: Light novel / Manga series by Kentarou Katayama
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Slice-of-Life
Audio: Japanese Dub
Subtitles: English
Runtime: 300 Minutes
Classification: TV-MA (D) using TV Parental Guidelines System (Wiki)
Cost: $49.98 on DVD
Special Thanks: A copy of this title was purchased out of my...