To celebrate the impending launch of the Black Butler: Public School Arc anime series, Square Enix has announced a promotional event on its MANGA UP! app, providing free access to several volumes of Black Butler, the manga series on which the anime is based. Until 16 April, both fans and potential fans can read Volumes 1 through 14 at no cost on the app’s global version.
The global version of the MANGA UP! app, which launched in July 2022, offers English translations of various popular manga series, aiming to provide timely access to international fans. With the Public School Arc chapter of Black Butler being expected to align well with the manga, this promotional period will provide readers with the ability to explore the chapters leading up to where the new anime season commences.
Additionally, MANGA UP! has introduced a new subscription plan called VAULT PASS. Priced at a monthly rate of $4.99, this plan allows unlimited access to over 10,000 manga chapters. This covers completed series, 18 volumes of Black Butler and more. The plan also includes early access to future installments of some series.
How does the VAULT PASS subscription work? MANGA UP! requires the use of one of three currencies to unlock a chapter: Free daily UP, bonus XP, and purchasable COIN. Subscribing to VAULT PASS allows unlimited reading of chapters that can be unlocked using UP. Chapters not available on VAULT PASS will have to wait a set number of days or access them using UP, or use XP or COIN to read them immediately, as has been the case to date.
The MANGA UP! global application is available worldwide with the exception of Japan, and features a range of manga including The Apothecary Diaries by Natsu Hyuuga and Touko Shino, Toilet-bound Hanako-kun by AidaIro, The Witch’s Servant and the Demon Lord’s Horns by Mochi, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Eorzea Academy by Esora Amaichi and many more.