Posts On:

Studio Montagne

Arknights Receives New Main Story Update – Episode 8: Roaring Flare

With today being the game's 2-year anniversary in China, this was a fitting time for developers Studio Montagne and Hypergryph and publisher YoStar to releasing a new major update for the mobile tower-defence game Arknights. Going live early this...


I was first introduced to Arknights through a format many would have, through a prominent Youtube advertising campaign using social influencers to push the character designs and gameplay mechanics. Typically I ignore any advertising for mobile games, primarily because

Pass The Time With These Four Attention-Grabbing Smart Device Games

Before beginning to write this, I would like to flag that the game's I am about to mention do have gacha mechanics in them to some degree. Therefore, if you are known to have issues with gambling or spending well over...