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Japanese Release Schedule

Yuru Yuri is Yuri

Whilst I have generally had a solid opinion on the other series that I have written up for this month, it is hard to place exactly where I stand in this series. Whilst it most probably is at the...

Ikoku Meiro no Croisee – When in France, do as the Japanese do….

Another series that as of yet, hasn't recieved any simulcast or acquisition announcement for English distribution. I think the best way to put this series is.... that it is insanely cute from the first few seconds to the lasting...

Kamisama no Memo-chou – Pajama Wearing Girl + Her Merry Bandwagon of NEET Detectives

Having finished Durarara!! and finished watching all but the last movie in the Eden of the East series, I find myself in need of a modern-designed anime that has a more serious plotline surrounding mystery or something along those...

Ro-Kyu-Bu! – Japanese Elementary School Sports Uniforms?

Yes, nothing spells fanservice series like the protagonist going to meet his new students for Basketball practice and seeing them all in maids outfits...... then again, how successful a series like this would survive without fanservice like this would...