Following its English language premiere at the 2022 Pokémon World Championships in London, fans of the Pokémon animated television show can now stream the Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles animated special on Netflix. Outside of Japan and Korea, Netflix is currently the only place where fans can watch this feature-length animated special officially.
Inspired by the popular Pokémon Legends: Arceus video game released earlier this year, “Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles” follows Ash, Pikachu, Goh, and friends new and returning on new adventures through the Sinnoh region. A full synopsis and some screenshots are available to view below:
About Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles
A visit to the Sinnoh region turns into a high-stakes adventure when Ash, Pikachu, and friends join forces with powerful Pokémon to confront a looming threat! When Ash, Goh, and Dawn receive a mysterious message from the Mythical Pokémon Arceus, they meet up with Brock and head to Mount Coronet to investigate. There, they find a rampaging Heatran and the commanders of Team Galactic, who are determined to find their missing leader by opening a gate between dimensions. With a trio of Legendary Pokémon and Sinnoh Champion Cynthia on their side, our heroes have lots of help, but they’ll need all they can get to save Sinnoh from being destroyed!