HomeVideo GamesNew Screenshots for Atelier Ayesha Plus Showcase New Costumes, Nio Altugle, Odelia

New Screenshots for Atelier Ayesha Plus Showcase New Costumes, Nio Altugle, Odelia



With Atelier Ayesha Plus set for release on the PlayStation Vita this month in Japan, GUST have moved their attention away from promoting the different features of the game (Many of which have been carried over from the original PS3 release) and instead shared a sizable batch of screenshots showcasing the bonus costumes to be exclusive to this release. Three of these costumes, “White Diamond” for Ayesha, “Little Garnet” for Willbell and “Bride Sapphire” for Linca will be available only as part of the first print editions. On the other hand, the three costumes”Fresh Green Paleo” for Ayesha, “Yellow Magician” for Willbell and “Frambioise” for Linca will be available through other means.

In addition, the screenshots also feature Nio Altugle and Odelia. Nio Altugle is Ayesha’s sister of goes missing at the beginning of the game and is the reason why the main campaign of the game takes place. She is eventually available as a playable character for the remaining time you have after rescuing her. Odelia is a mechanical doll automaton who Ayesha first meets in the Zweiteturm library. While not originally a playable character, in the PS3 release she was a playable character and will become freely available in the Plus port.

Atelier Ayesha Plus is set for release on the PlayStation Vita from March 27, 2014 in Japan, with no international release date planned.

Check back to The Otaku’s Study later this week for my review of Atelier Escha & Logy on the PlayStation 3.

Founder of The Otaku's Study. I have been exploring this labyrinth of fandom these last fifteen years, and still nowhere close to the exit yet. Probably searching for a long time to come.


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